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"In-depth knowledge for your customers in dental practice"
Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch, dental journalist and consultant

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Staying on the ball of dental progress – bringing new products to the dental practice

Einstein was right: gravitational waves are measurable, masses do in fact distort space. Despite occasional scepticism, modern research has for a long time been the way forward – including the development of dental products and methods. So how can you and your business stay up to date? And how can you keep your customers informed in a way that is relevant for their practices?

Therapeutic benefits are the leading objective for dental practitioners. At the same time, professional knowledge, practical implementation and economics are all collectively essential. Successful practices are therefore well established on all levels and use all suitable channels to find information. This includes sharing information with colleagues at seminars, congresses and in quality circles – as well as using reliable professional information presented as texts, images or video on a broad range of media platforms.

The very latest – in a subscription

In addition, anyone concerned not to miss out will also screen scientific publications. This is particularly true for developers of dental products – and functions best with so-called e-alerts. These free newsletters draw attention to new articles immediately after their publication. They also include “online early” articles, i.e. articles not yet published in print. It is the user’s choice of relevant titles/search terms that will define the main topic focus. However, subscribing to important journals is still the best option for access to full print versions.

Furthermore, it is still possible to receive alerts on defined publications from the free PubMed database. Those able to use the search mode and key words in English can use PubMed to make targeted searches. At the same time, specialist books are becoming less important, but remain essential for orientation and gaining better insight into the greater context or details (e.g. root canal configurations). Of course, it goes without saying that personal discussions/consultations with experts from the scientific community and practice remain compulsory.

All information can be found on the publishing sites, the most important are:

Tips for the dental practice and accounting

Saying that all theory is grey is reverse polemic. Nonetheless, from a dental point of view, research means very little if it cannot be transferred into the practice. This can be achieved, e.g. with contributions which, apart from theoretical background, provide practical instructions and tips. In this context, guideline summaries can often provide good orientation if they are available. Accounting is also very important for the dental practice and can ideally be presented in the context of, e.g. clinical case studies.

It should be added that the screening of company materials, such as brochures, newsletters, product information, advertising and many more, is also relevant. Dental experts can only be completely up to date after evaluation of all the data – whether this is in regard to providers, developers or clients.

Recognising trends for success

Future-oriented developments are almost more important than the status quo. For example, a microbiological revolution is currently underway; key words here are microbiome, epigenetics or biomarkers. Understanding such trends can point dental providers towards new products. It can aid targeted development and successful marketing. And it contributes to making sure that the terms “dental” and “oral” remain relevant in the field of medicine.

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