Dental-Journalist Logo


"Context and content only function together"
Dr. med. dent. Jan Hermann Koch, consultant and journalist for oral medicine

Providing expert “dental” communication, PR und consultation services – for your success

Your business markets products and concepts for dentists and their teams. As a journalist and public relations expert, I am your ideal partner on the same level as leading experts – in oral medicine and the media sector.

Your success depends on reaching your target group. I develop and create media concepts and articles that are customized to your needs that are suitable for:

  • Proprietary media and marketing channels
  • Market-oriented external media
  • Scientifically-oriented media (according to background and products)
Dentist with team at work

This is where you get a BMW or a Mercedes Benz

Visual content draws your target group into the content and provides the initial incentive to continue reading. Enjoy content written with outstanding journalistic expertise, practical relevance and bringing you the very latest developments in scientific research. This includes product reports and review articles as well as larger formats, e.g. cross-media story telling.

Make customers your central focus - independently of format content:


  • Strong media content starts with press/media releases and ads.
  • Establish credibility with, e.g. my persuasive case studies, substantiated event reports and authentic interviews.
  • On request I provide content at an international level in German and English - communicating orally and verbally in both languages, e.g. to create case studies.

Media concepts

  • I think in a multi- and cross-media way, whilst always keeping the overall perspective in mind: taking in the whole spectrum from accounting to evidence-based content.
  • My articles and media concepts are designed to fit with your PR strategies and corporate identity.
  • I am happy to work together with you or with external partners to develop professional marketing materials, brochures, events and other projects.

Knowledge builds trust

  • Science-based specialist articles and product launches are one of the main focusses of my work.
  • I can connect you with the right opinion leaders and media partners. For sustainable communication - and long-term successful projects.

You would like to know more?
Please email or call on +49 8161 42510

Scroll down to read a cross-section of my work

Cover ZM

Dental industry and dental trade fair report (for zahnärztliche mitteilungen, the most important professional publication in Germany): Cloud solutions and other product innovations were presented at the IDS 2023 for, e.g. the availability and data security of clinical documentation.

Cover ZM Online

Congress report (for dzw) - DGI/EAO annual congress shows the way forward in digital implantology

Cover EDI Journal

Study report with product information (for EMS Dental): Patients prefer Guided Biofilm Therapy, a systematic clinical protocol for professional prophylaxis (special imprint published by German company)

Cover ZMK Sonderdruck

Study report with product information (for EMS Dental): Patients prefer Guided Biofilm Therapy, a systematic clinical protocol for professional prophylaxis (article version published in a US-based journal)

Screenshoot Straumann Youtooth

Online review of customer blog (for Institute Straumann, Basel, Switzerland): “Immediate placement: Save time and preserve precious tissues”

Screenshoot Straumann Youtooth

Product-related content for customer blog (Straumann Youtooth): “10th anniversary of Jason® membrane: questions and answers on a true all-rounder”. Please read here how to publish technical content to tell a cross-media story

Cover SS White Dental

Review and case report (for SS White Dental, USA), in cooperation with Dr. Boer, Germany: “Creating shiny composite surfaces” (in Chinese)

Cover SS White Dental

Review and case report (for SS White Dental, USA), in cooperation with Dr. Boer, Germany: “Cómo obtener superficies brillantes en compósitos” (in Spanish)